The Ural Tire Plant Limited Liability Company (Uralshina LLC)
The Ural Tire Plant Limited Liability Company (Uralshina LLC) is located in Yekaterinburg-the capital of the Sverdlovsk Region, which is called the industrial heart of Russia. It should come as no surprise, since there are several thousand manufacturing enterprises, large and small, located here. Uralshina LLC does not belong to the industrial giants, but the unique products that our plant produces place it on a par with the enterprises that provide the economic power of the region and the whole country.
The main products of Uralshina LLC are all types of massive tires for special equipment and lifting and transport mechanisms. These are bandaged and bandless massive tires, “Superelastic” tires. “Superelastic” – special superhard high-elastic massive tires for scrap reloaders. The technology of production of these tires is the company’s own invention.
Thanks to the design features and high shock-absorbing properties, “Superelastic” tires can be used in the most extreme operating conditions. They do not require special maintenance, these tires are reliable and safe. They provide high maneuverability of the equipment, and as a result, more economical fuel consumption.
Uralshina LLC is the only plant in Russia that has an author’s patented method of producing such products.
Solid cast tires for scrap reloaders FUCHS 360 and other similar class of the following standard sizes have been put into mass production: 12.00-24, rim size (RIM) 8.50-24; 10.00-20; 12.00-20.
Another area of development of Uralshina LLC is the production of products for ships and ports: tire-pneumatic cylinders and couplings, mooring fenders that protect the hull from hard impacts on mooring devices, or on the side of another vessel during mooring, towing, joint parking, and transshipment operations.
The technology of production of fenders of Uralshina LLC is patented, there are no analogues in Russia. A differential characteristic of our fenders is the possibility of transportation in the deflated state, they are not afraid of kinks and twists, because they do not contain metal cord.
Mooring cranes of the URALSHINA brand are delivered to Russian ports, and also exported to Spain and Latvia.